Sunday, January 14, 2007

Official Notice of Court Hearings

The official Notice of Settlement Approval Hearings is being published in newspapers across the country. It has also been mailed to several thousand people (accepted claimants under the Red Cross settlement, other people who have contacted us over the years, etc.).

You can see a copy of the notice, in French and English, at

The settlement agreement itself is also posted in French and English at

Claimants do not have to do anything right now. If the Courts approve the settlement, there will be further notices telling people how to apply for the settlement. So, you don't have to worry right now whether you are on any particular list, etc. You will be able to apply later.

People are welcome to come to watch the Court proceedings if they wish. If you do wish to come, it would be helpful if you could let us know by email at, so that we can make sure that we have enough room for everyone.

If you want to make an oral statement to the Court, or if you intend to retain a lawyer to make submissions on your behalf, you must let us know by no later than January 31, 2007, so that we can schedule things properly. Instructions, contact addresses, etc. are in the Notice.