Monday, July 31, 2006

Newsletter now available

You can find the Settlement Update newsletter here.

Please note that no administrator has yet been appointed for the settlement. Please do not call KPMG or the 86-90 Hepatitis Claims Centre, as they will not be able to answer your questions.

Friday, July 28, 2006


Since I can't post a file directly on this blog, I have to upload the Newsletter file to another site. I'm just waiting for that to be done. As soon as it is up, I'll post a link here.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Questions, Questions

I'm getting a lot of email and phone calls with questions about the settlement. I'm just finalizing a newsletter with a Frequently Asked Questions section that should address many of the questions people have. I'll be sending it out by email to those people I have email addresses for. I'll also post a link to it here.

I hope to have it up later today or tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Pictures from the Prime Minister's announcement

Lead Plaintiff Mike McCarthy shakes hands with Health Minister Tony Clement at the announcement of the Pre-86/Post-90 settlement.

Lead plaintiff Mike McCarthy listens to Prime Minister Stephen Harper announce a settlement which will provide almost $1 billion to people infected with hepatitis C through the blood system in Canada before 1986 or after July 1, 1990.

Prime Minister Harper announces compensation

This morning, Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced a settlement for people infected with Hepatitis C through the blood system in Canada before 1986 or after July 1, 1990. The Prime Minister's statement can be found here. Video of the press conference can be found here.

More details to follow.

Monday, July 24, 2006

No announcement today (July 24, 2006)

Despite what several news organizations had earlier reported, there will be no announcement regarding compensation today. However, we do expect an announcement in the near future.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

News Reports about Compensation

Over the past few days, there have been several media reports about compensation. Let me try to set the record straight:

1. There has been no official government announcement.

2. The people close to the negotiations are not speaking to the media, so the people who are commenting are doing so based on speculation.

I expect there will be an official announcement soon. Until then, please take anything you hear with a grain of salt. (see the two previous posts about rumours and confidentiality)